Tuesday, September 05, 2006

St Fillans Golf Club, St Fillans

A few of weeks ago a couple of my mates and I had the pleasure of playing a round of golf at St Fillans Golf Club. For those of you who are not familiar with the area, St Fillans Golf Club is near village of St Fillans, which sits at the eastern end of Loch Earn. The nine-hole course is tucked away across the River Earn and offers you fantastic scenery, together with a pleasant golfing challenge.

After our round we retired to the clubhouse for a spot to eat. The clubhouse offers a warm and relaxing environment in which to reflect on your round. The views from the lounge are majestic unlike my drive off the first tee. The staff are extremely hospitable, friendly and encourage you to take a table. The menu offers a range of snacks and homemade meals that are very reasonably priced. We decided to try the steak pie, fish cakes and ham salad.

The steak pie arrived. What a pastry! It was like a Desperate Dan cow pat. The steak was tender in rich gravy. The seasonal vegetables and chips were perfectly cooked. The two large homemade fish cakes were lightly fried and filled with a rich filling of haddock, mackerel and potato. Served with chips and side salad they looked extremely tempting and I began to question my choice of the ham salad. I should not have worried. The ham salad arrived at the table. It was like a work of art. The mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumber, cheese, potato salad and coleslaw provided a stark contrast of colours. The couple of home cooked thick slices of ham were topped with fresh pineapple and kiwi fruit and filled a plate that looked like an artistic masterpiece. It also provided a considerable eating challenge even to the Buddha Belly. Thank God we did not order starters!

The sign of a good meal can be that it facilitated good conversation. This meal certainly did that. “What’s the steak pie like?” “Great and you’re not getting any!” “You should try the fishcakes there magic.” “Can I get a wee taste?” “No!” “The ham looks great.” “Aye it is ….” Silence as we munched our way through a feast fit for golfing kings.

The home baking was to tempting to resist and we all had something that was mouth-watering which we then washed down with a couple of pots of tea. We sat there feeling as though we had eagled every hole on the course. Pure satisfaction and all for about £7.00 a head.

Do not get me wrong, St Fillans Golf Club will not win many AA Rosettes. However, it offers the tired golfer, together with passer-by’s, a very reasonable meal for a very reasonable price. Remember, if you do go to St Fillans Golf Club try the ham salad. It’s fantastic. Enjoy.

Contact Details:

St Fillans Golf Club
South Loch Earn Road
St Fillans
Telephone: 01764 685312

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