Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Inn at Woburn

By the time you read this review my sister-in-law and her husband will have celebrated their first wedding anniversary. To acknowledge this important event, the Buddha Belly thought that he would write a review of the meal that we shared to celebrate their wedding. Although, it was just over a year ago it was such a memorable meal that it is still vivid in my memory. Some of the best stories always have a beginning, middle and an end and the Buddha Belly believes that a good review is not different. So let’s commence at the beginning of what was a special day.

The wedding party was collected by limousine and were we were taken the short distance to the Registry Office in Bletchley. The ceremony was intimate, romantic and a true celebration of the love that two people have for each other. It was a privilege to be part of what was a trilogy of wedding ceremonies. Don’t ask. It would take to long to explain.

After the wedding ceremony, it was back in the limousine and on to the Inn at Woburn. Just six miles from the Registry Office at Bletchley, the Inn at Woburn is set in the heart of the picturesque Georgian village. The Inn, which was opened in 1724, is part of the extensive Woburn Estate which is famous for its deer herds.

On arrival, we made for the very pleasant and comfortable bar and ordered drinks to toast the legal status of the couple. Whilst we toasted the happy couple we also took in the surroundings. The Inn is quite, how could I put it, “sort of posh”. Although, the decoration and furnishings reflect its character it is not oppressively posh, it’s as my wife described it "comfortably posh".

We soon moved into the small elegant dining room that offered a slightly more intimate ambiance. As soon as we were seated at the large round centre table we were presented with menu’s that offered the diner a wide variety of contemporary dishes.

For starters, I had baked scallops with spring onion and vermouth sauce. The scallops were served in their shell which was interesting. This was a brilliantly simple starter that was mouth-watering marvellous.

For my mains, I ordered grilled rib eye steak with red wine sauce served with frites, flat cap mushrooms, and roast cherry tomatoes. I enjoy my steak medium rare and this steak was cooked to perfection. The red wine sauce was light that it encouraged the fusion of tastes from the steak and the sautéed mushrooms and tomatoes. Mmmmm. My taste buds are crying out as I reminisce of the taste.

It’s unusual for the Buddha Belly to have a sweet, however as it was a special occasion I decided what the hell its not every day that the wife’s sister gets married. Well, that’s not entirely true as this was her third time during the proceeding three months. As I explained earlier don’t go there it’s a long story!

Anyway, the Buddha Belly ordered the pana cotta with cranberry and raspberry sauce that was sweetened by vanilla cream served with Amaretto biscuits. When it arrived it reminded me of a recent nude of a woman. It was of sheer beauty that had a fascinating simplicity. I could have admired its beauty all day. However, that was not the pana cotta purpose so needs must and with fork in hand I delicately and respectfully took a forkful. The distinctly vanilla sweet cream was silky-smooth in texture complimented the cranberry and raspberry sauce that appeared to have a champagne fizz to it. It was lip-smackingly delicious.

The excellent meal was finished by a selection of handmade cheese with grape, celery, grape chutney, savoury biscuits and the obligatory coffee.

The Chef at the Inn is a guy Olivier Bertho. I had never heard of him, but I have to say that he offered us a superb menu of contemporary cuisine which was presented and served with flair and imagination. The food was nothing but excellent. The staff were enthusiastic and very attentive without imposing on our dining experience. I loved the food and had the most enjoyable meal. FANTASTIC!

The first wedding anniversary is symbolised by paper and I have attempted to do this through the virtual paper provided by Buddha Belly Eats. However, what really matters is that the happy couple have found that special someone to share their life in lasting love. Congratulations C and J on your first legal year of togetherness and the Buddha Belly wishes you many more.

Contact Details:

The Inn at Woburn
George Street
MK17 9PX
Tel: 01525 290441

1 comment:

  1. Nice review BuddhaBelly, the whole day was fantastic and meal really was amazing. I had the Venison which melted in your mouth it was so fresh and delicatly prepared. I believe it is from the estates own herd. The staff were very attentive and really looked after us. When they brought desert they really made them special with congratulations written around the plate in choclate. We have since been for drinks in the bar a number of time since and it has allways been cosy and friendly.
