Saturday, May 26, 2007

Good Golf and Good Food Are A Great Mix

My son and I were back playing golf at St Fillans the other week. We had a fantastic time on the course. The weather was the usual, four seasons in one hour. That's a slight exaggeration, but it was close. We had our usual stake for nearest the pin at the short 8th hole and I am now down £2.00. I'll see if I can balance the books before the golfing season is out.

One of the joys of playing golf at St Fillans is looking forward to the freshly cooked food that awaits you at the 19th hole. Regular readers will recall my post "St Fillans Golf Club, St Fillans" were I praised the food. Well I’m pleased to report that the food remains superb and the prices are still set to ensure that they do not dent your pocket. Try the ham salad, with a side portion of chips. It’s pure magic. Enjoy.

The Buddha Belly Eats rating is:

Food-8/10 (Ham salad on its own is a 10/10)
Drink-8/10 (So reasonable)
Environment-9/10 (Views are stunning)

Contact Details:
St Fillans Golf Club
South Loch Earn Road
St Fillans
Telephone: 01764 685312

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'd even say bad golf and good food are a great mix. You know that saying, the worst day on the golf course is better than the best day at the office.

    Golf Rewind - Golf Forum
