Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Purple Mango, Milton Keynes

When I first visited the Purple Mango I was extremely disappointed both by the food and the service. So it may be a bit of a surprise for you the read that I have returned. Well I am a wee bit myself, but my sister-in-law and my brother-in-law persuaded me to give it another chance.

My Brother-in- Law insists that the Purple Mango is the best Indian restaurant in Milton Keynes and surrounding area. Well he is right in that the restaurant is very stylish, modern and offers a very nice atmosphere and I'm glad to report that it has also gone up in estimation.

The last time I was there I ordered the chicken biriani which turned out to be bland and tasteless. I was really disappointed. I would not make the same mistake twice. This time I decided that I would pick from the banquet menu and I got to choose from an extensive menu which included a starter, a main course, side dish, rice or a nan bread and a coffee. It was great value.

For my starter, I ordered a Prawn Tikka Puree which was absolutely fantastic. This was followed by a plentiful supply of tasty Lamb Bhoona that was medium curry with plentiful fresh spices, onions and green peppers. I decided to order Allo Ghobie, which is potatoes and cauliflower as a side dish, together with Special Pilau Rice. I would not say that Lamb Bhoona was the best I've ever tasted, but it was good. The Allo Ghobie was mouthwatering. Mmmmmm lovely.

As a footnote, my Wife and sister-in-law ordered the Purple Mango Special King Prawns that were deliciously flavoured with herbs and spices. The prawns were the largest I have ever seen served in any restaurant they had been beautifully cooked in a clay oven.

I’m glad that I gave the Purple Mango another opportunity to please me palate and I’m pleased to report that it offers good generous and thoughtfully presented food from a creative menu. My only negative comment is that on both visits the staff came across as being a bit gruff. Maybe, its because I’m used to the really friendly staff at my local curry house, The Gulnar. The Buddha Belly Eats rating is:


Contact Details:

Purple Mango
26b Walnut Tree
Local Centre
Walnut Tree
Milton Keynes
Tel: 01908 677980


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    My friends and I are regulars at the Purple Mango and find the service fantastic.

  2. Anonymous6:23 PM


    I think the Purple Mango is certainly in the top 5 of Indian Restaurants in MK. Every establishment is going to have "off" nights, staff problems, etc.

    If you eat in Milton Keynes regularly, I can recommend food guidemk.co.uk its superb for searching out somewhere to eat (spoilt for choice).

