Sunday, August 13, 2006

Buddha Belly Eats

I don't know what Buddha Belly Eats is going to look like or what it will contain so you will need to bare with me. What I wish to do is to share with you some of the bars, restaurants and hotels that I have visited and had the pleasure or otherwise in sampling their eats, drink and service.Initially, I will focus of reviewing eateries in Scotland. Although, I might be tempted to report on some of my raids across the English border. Being a tight wee Buddha I will also share how much the eats and drink cost and whether or not I thought it was worth the money.

The reason I have a cute and cuddly buddha belly is that I love good food and drink. I enjoy cooking and sharing what I've cooked with friends and family. However, I really enjoy going out and having others cook something for me. I, like loads of other people, do not have mega amounts of money, so I do not go to the most exclusive and expensive bars, restaurants and hotels. The eateries I go to are ordinary places that might be of interest to ordinary people. Just because they are ordinary places I still expect that the food and drink are tasty, slightly different and interesting and that the service makes you feel a special ordinary person for the wee while that you are there.

Buddha Belly is not one of those celebrity food experts; he is just an ordinary person walking the gastronomy path to enlightenment and like the other Buddha Belly Blogs I do not wish to offend anyone by what I write here. But, if I do tough! I'm sure you'll get over it. Try not to judge me by what I write. It's my life, so there my views and opinions. But I am happy to hear what you think so leave your comments and emails.Last thing, do not try to stalk the Buddha Belly. I have connections with some very powerful people so be warned.

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