Saturday, August 26, 2006

Upcoming Postings

Keep your eye out for upcoming postings on some of the places that I have had the pleasure or otherwise in sampling their gastronomic delights. During the last wee while I have visited the following places:

o Monachyle Mhor, Loch Voil, Balquhidder, The Trossachs, Stirlingshire
o Osta, Stirling, Stirlingshire
o The Drummond Hotel, St Fillans, The Trossachs, Stirlingshire
o St Fillans Golf Club, St Fillans, The Trossachs, Stirlingshire
o The Royal Hotel, Comrie

I've done a bit of dinning out during the last month. So I have a bit to share. Keep visiting Buddha Belly Eats for updates on some of the good places or not so good places to eat.

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